A "cookie" is a small text file
saved on your computer’s hard drive by a web site to identify you as a
unique visitor. Cookies are frequently used to process log-ons to personal
accounts (as in UMB Bank’s TrustDirect program), to provide customized
material (for a personal start page, for example), to track items in a
shopping cart, or to allow online marketers to target advertising to your
interests. Cookies do pose some privacy risk in that you can be identified
every time you visit a site that has placed a cookie on your computer, and
cookies make it easier for web sites to track your online behavior (sites
visited, files downloaded, purchases, searches, etc.) There are also
concerns that eventually marketers may match cookie information with name,
address and other personal information available through
non-Internet-related mailing lists and databases.
Cookie Options:
However, you can choose how your browser deals with cookies. Most
browsers provide 3 options: 1) Always accept cookies; 2) Always refuse
cookies; or 3) Prompt you for a decision to accept or refuse cookies on a
case-by-case basis. Some Internet security software may allow for
additional cookie regulation. Below are instructions for setting cookie
options for the most commonly used browsers:
For Internet Explorer
Choose Tools, then
Internet Options.
Select the Privacy
You can set all cookie
handling to preset levels using the slider (descriptions are
provided in the window) , or
Click on the Edit
button to customize cookie handling for specific web sites.
Click OK to apply the
For Internet Explorer 5.0:
Choose Tools, then
Internet Options.
Click the Security tab,
Click Internet, then Custom Level.
Scroll down to Cookies and choose one of the two options.
Click OK to apply the
For Internet Explorer 4.0:
Choose View, then
Internet Options.
Click the Advanced tab,
Scroll down to the yellow exclamation icon under Security and choose
one of the three options to regulate your use of cookies.
Click OK to apply the
For Netscape Communicator
On your Task Bar, click Edit, then
Preferences, then
Click on the arrow
beside Advanced,
And click on the
Cookies subcategory.
Select your desired
option from the radio buttons.
Click OK to apply the
For Netscape Communicator 4.0:
On your Task Bar, click Edit, then
Preferences, then
Click on Advanced.
Set your options in the box labeled "Cookies".
Click OK to apply the
SIMI does not use cookies on
our web site.
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